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Lou: "It's, like, they're waiting for people to be, like, 'Who got shot? Who's Kennedy? When did this happen?' And they're trying to drive it home with, like, 'Don't look at that. Lou: "Because, in 2000, they were supposed to release the uncensored findings of the Kennedy assassination, but then they deemed it, 'It's still too sensitive a subject. I mean, Armand wrote a song on the album called '2061', and it's the year they're supposed to release the 'uncensored' findings of the 9/11 investigation. On whether they do any research on certain topics before writing their lyrics: [Editor's note: The Sandy Hook conspiracy theories have been repeatedly debunked in various articles, including this one on .) Lou: "What is that? Why would you hire actors to portray grieving families?" Pete: " CNN's slogan, isn't it 'the most trusted name in news' or something like that? There was a shooting in Connecticut, and then CNN had to admit that, 'yes, we had to hire actors to portray the families, because they were too distraught.'" Lou: "It's owned by, like… Two or three families own all of the media - newspapers, television, all that - and they're all connected to all the politicians, to the big politicans, so."

mainstream media is owned directly by large multinational corporations, which are connected to a plethora of other major global corporations and elite interests: A couple of excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). Germany's EMP Rock Invasion recently conducted an interview with Lou (vocals) and Pete Koller (guitar) of New York hardcore legends SICK OF IT ALL.